Guest Artist Farzaneh Nouri 2024

Guest Artist: Farzaneh Nouri #

Diegetic operands: Exploring aesthetics of non-representational data in machine improvisation #

Lecture and performance

Tuesday 30.01.2024, 19:00, IEM CUBE

The performance presented the results of a research project that speculates on the aesthetic potential of non-representational data within the framework of machine improvisation. Two live algorithms were developed and programmed to autonomously participate in an improvised performance. They perform decision-making, sound generation and spatialization tasks, communicating via internal computational processes and hardware performance data rather than representational sonic data. This approach allows the agents to understand their improvisational environment and respond with sound generation based on recognized patterns within the hardware resource allocations of the computational processes in improvisation. The aim is to rethink standard approaches to musical agent design in order to instantiate novel processes and to explore the aesthetics, possibilities and new forms of collaboration and interfacing that such systems can offer.

Sound exerpt of Diegetic Operands

Diegetic Operands Performance

Machine improvisation with non-representational data lecture